My open fire pit cooking setup

We have always wanted an outdoor kitchen. After moving to this house we decided to start one. It is always a work in progress, but here a a few pics. Surfing the internet to get ideas we came up with a multi station setup. The girls and I broke out the trowels, and started to…

Beer Can Burgers

We saw a video from the bbqpitboys on their beer can burgers and had to try them right away. The girls and I, went shopping for our stuffing ingredients.  Veggies, cheeses, and sauces. Chopped them all up, Prepped them, then began to create the burger pockets. We pressed the ground beef and pork mixture around…

Cowboy Wok Breakfast Burritos

Most of my nights after the kids go to sleep, are spent combing the internet for more primitive cooking ideas.  I stumbled across a video of a cowboy wok.  I immediately had to have one.  I ordered this 24” off of an Amazon seller that had made it from a plow disc with some horseshoe…

Cast Iron Bean Pot BBQ Beans

My love for cast iron is deep.  I am always looking for another addition to my arsenal.  But on this little island the swap meet, thrift store scene is very limited.  I had the opportunity to make it back to Minnesota last year.  And hitting thrifty stores was definitely high on my to do list….

Twice Baked Stuffed Wrapped Potatoes

You know when you get invited to a BBQ, and you offer to bring something?  I usually get asked to bring my potato bombs.  This is something I kind of made up along the way, with input from my friends and a little YouTube from the Bbqpitboys.  I have tweeked it to my liking, and…

Flower Pot Tandoor oven

My wife and I love naan bread. We have been looking for a way to cook some outdoors.  We have the dream of building an outdoor oven, but that has not yet materialized.  We tripped over this idea online, about building a tandoor out of flower pots. We decided to give it a try. This…