Cowboy Wok Breakfast Burritos

Most of my nights after the kids go to sleep, are spent combing the internet for more primitive cooking ideas.  I stumbled across a video of a cowboy wok.  I immediately had to have one.  I ordered this 24” off of an Amazon seller that had made it from a plow disc with some horseshoe handles welded on.  I put it over the fire and started my breakfast burritos. I used bacon, sausage, and chorizo and browned that. Threw in some garlic, onions, and chopped peppers. Then used some packaged frozen potatoes O’Brien, I know, but I was too excited to make them from scratch. Then cracked in some eggs.  Tossed it all up and warmed the tortillas up on the same disc. Worked out great, the girls were excited. And breakfast in the evening was a success.

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